Sunday, February 11, 2007

-The Greatest Title Ever Conceived By Man-

So what, it's been a freaking month now? That's depressing... I have too many excuses to count... There's always the "just too busy" one that everyone pulls, but then there were internet availability problems, filter problems, and freaking blogger log-on problems! Argg! and again I say Argg! Its not helping that everyone else seems to be slowly floating away.

Moving on, I'd love to just take a whack at the whacked out holiday that is fast approaching, but homework is the top priority this week and I can't spare the time. But in the interest of posting at least something new, I'm taking a different (not to mention easy) route for the blog and having y'all mull over and respond to a little riddle I stumbled across recently.

Now this isn't just any old riddle, it's rather deep, actually very deep, so don't just skim over it. Read it over a few times; to put it mildly, it's a thinker. I found it intriguing and I'd love to know what y'all think of it. I plan to touch on all of your responses and add my own in my next post. So those of you with mildly active minds, get cracking. (I wouldn't be surprised if Jason writes me a novel)

I am ___________

If you wish to be stupid, I will kill you on site. Depicting you as an utter fool for humanity to perceive, mocking, criticizing, silencing. Or I shall simply distance every ear. For stupidity amongst men, like morality, is merely for the majority to conclude and can quite easily be their justification for your insanity. Betraying the body that built you up, you assert the embedded evil we all hastily seek to destroy hidden somewhere in ourselves. The deepest of fears is that you will embody our most secret of thoughts, screaming them to others, our truest of feelings and longings. For this, we must suppress you with every ounce of strength. You are the quintessence of just sentiment and your cadence trembles the mind from whence you escaped. As a shadow amongst the long lost titans, we cannot stand here while you blast us with the undesirable truth. There is no greater terror than bringing told what we all know somewhere close to or everlasting souls; it can never be brought to full illumination. I am the most noted giver of good news and delight, whether it be ramblings or fully fictitious rants, I supply them to you and your shallow yearnings. You demand little of me, so I provide even less, only imparting just the amount that will leave you gasping for a breath of some lasting fulfillment. You cannot face me in my full state of being, for I am everywhere a soul seeks satisfaction, however momentary it may be. You can never be free from my abundance of slightest deceptions as long as those to careless to place worth in an essence somewhere past the temporal choose to follow me to an immortal wasteland. The self-proclaimed wise are in my front pocket; they are addicted to my meaningless praise and pedestals. Never underestimate the ignorant in mass; for they are led into the pit with ease, their unity is their downfall. Come, I have trinkets and comforts, dazzling and inviting; albeit lasting as a spark in the wind. If it is fantasy, or the supernatural you fancy, behold my empty objects of anonymity. They promise you the mystical power you seek. If nothing less, let me busy you with my numerous pursuits, for they are the modern definition of livelihood. You should learn to embrace me, so many have. Give me the burden of responsibility and truth; they are of little use for you and are safest in my hands. A few will tell you to fear me; they call me “The Beast.” But that cannot impart remotely what it is you face. “The Beast” created me; it is him you should fear. I am no more than his pawn on this vast stage of the cosmos and beyond. Are you prepared to face me? Can you muster the strength to leave me? The only way to conquer me is to destroy it; everything, the essence of it all, the entire physical world with all its substance and senses departing with me. This is no mere riddle mind you. The knowledge of my existence, let alone my stifling power is an exceptional commodity. Can you live without me? Have you ever truly lived with me?

Who Am I?

Ohh, and since I don't have the time to malign Valentine's Day myself, I'll let this guy do it for me-