Of course this feeling resonates from my deep hatred for being part of a fad. Whether it be Ipods, Myspace, Starbucks, or Xbox 360, I (usually) can't stand doing something just because everyone else does. For the longest time, blogs have fallen into that category because frankly, unless someone else is actually listening, I'd much rather do something else that fritters my life away completely. But lately I've been having a change of heart on this whole blogging business. Jake promptly responded to my little speech by saying that I would have a following and after taking some time to look it over, I agree with him. We've got our own little blogging community here at TWO-14 and after a few long late night squabbles with myself, I've concluded that I want in. I've got opinions just like everyone else, but I tend to hold back in conversation and I'd like to provide an outlet for others to get to know me better, or at least for me to get to know myself.
I have a feeling that once I get into it, I'll find it very rewarding and honestly, I'll easily make it the best blog of TWO-14. But here's where you come in, as you will be crucial to the success of this little endeavor. If you want me to go through with this, I need you to let me hear it. I want some backing before I commit to this grunt* "hobby." (Don't you love how I started this blog on Friday the 13th) So lets hear it, how much do you want this? It's all up to you now. If I don't feel the love, this blog might unexpectedly find a toaster in its bathtub and alas, I will once again become an online introvert.