Tuesday, August 18, 2009

General Notice #2 (Homebound!)

Alrighty, I'm officially on the flip-side of Summer '09 and as of -whenever they let me out of Southwestern Headquarters-, I'll be hightailing it home to Texas. My exact arrival time is still unknown, but it will be sometime midweek. That'll give me a couple days before I need to check back into school on Sunday afternoon. So give me a heads-up if you want to catch up, I'd be much abliged.

As for questions regarding "how my summer went," don't be expecting any saticfactory one sentance answers. To put it bluntly, I've been in another world for three straight months and my ability to convay to you the experience may take more than a couple of minutes. So call me up or send me a message. I've been looking forward to catching up with everyone for quite some time, I'm sure your lives have been crazy as well.