But since that time of year has past, its time to get back to work. I was going to touch on this with my bowl pickoff a few weeks ago, but now that the football season begins to wind down, I think its time to look back at quite a memorable season. It always seems to end too soon, but it was great while it lasted. There's nothing like Football in America.
Months ago, when the muggy August heat resonated through the country, the leaves's began to fade; the arctic Canadian air began to creep down the long North American continent, and the undeniable feeling of football was in the air. Every team was equal, but all eying the top of the heap at the end of the season. So, as the heat of summer gave way to an all out blast of autumn, we witnessed an onslaught of memorable, and less than memorable games, performances and media hypes.

And let's not forget the long and glorious season of Jr. High vs. High School bouts. There was a massive mid season meeting on grass with the introduction of of my long asked for stadium lighting and more than a few Jr. High victories. But, as to be expected, High school simply took care of business.
For the majority of the teams out there, their seasons are over. Some have exceeded expectations, some have found new lows (cough, cough, Detroit) but all are making changes and looking forward to next year. There will always be next year...
Final thoughts on this years hometown teams:
Texas Longhorns- It began with a lofty ranking and ended with a nail-biter against a .500 team. At first I had thought that this team was still getting the bugs out early in the season, but as the loss column expanded and a less than perfect bowl performance ended a late season slide, I finally recognized that this team just wasn't as good as everyone would like to believe. We made a decent showing against OSU but throughout the season we never took that championship form and it was only a matter of time before it came back to bight us. Those lucky wins at Nebraska and Texas Tech where just that, and a knocked out QB and a bad pass interferences call were the just ends. That secondary full of outstanding players never gelled and the running game fell apart in pressure situations. Thank God we had someone to pick up the slack at quarterback. Most of the defense and offensive line are gutted going into next year, but talent on offense and one heck of a recruiting class might make some noise.

Dallas Cowboys- Although it may have seemed sudden, my hatred for this team took years to develop. The image of this team has been tarnished for so long and once the hype began this season, I had officially had enough. They have talent, but they don't use it consistently. I sort of bought into the Bill Parcels hype for a while, but I've had enough, the inconsistency and random collapses are on his shoulders and I don't think he's done a good job. T.O. isn't the problem. They will have talent next year, the question is if they are going to use it.
A Few Thing I Think I Think- (about this season)
>I think there are a lot of down right bad commercials out there, but those Diet Pepsi commercials take the cake. There are some out there that are bearable, maybe they even produced a chuckle or two the first time around, but these ads are just god-awful. First there were the cheesy Pepsi machine playing football ads, then one with Reggie Bush. Now they have the pathetic voice over clips that cause you to desperately claw for the remote. At least those beer commercials have that stupid guy humor that mildly entertains each time. Even those Jackie Chan Super Bowl ads were pathetic. Who advertises for a diet soda anyway?
>I think the broadcast by NBC has been great this year. They really hit the nail on the head with their no-nonsense feel and endless array of top notch annalists. So why do they have that punk like music video by Pink (at least I think that's her) before each broadcast. It's such a quirky song and doesn't fit at all anyway. I'd show you the clip, but I don't think its even watchable. Who at NBC wrote that check?
Video of the Year- Boise State Wins Fiesta Bowl
There was a contest this season where fans could vote for the game changing performance of the year. Due to the fact that this performance was in a bowl game, it wasn't part of the competition. Too bad, cause this was, hands down, the greatest play this year. Even more than that, it was probably the greatest 15 minutes of football. Add the live TV proposal after the game and it makes some of the greatest TV ever. Hollywood couldn't of written it up. For those few who watched the end of this game you know what I'm talking about and this little video can't nearly display what this game was like. But here you go anyway...
Well I didn't read any of that... umm, football, yeah.
Ahh, but what timing. I'm thinking very few will appreciate this post. Football itself is sobbing.
Hmmm...Well, maybe I am one of the "very few" that enjoyed your post.
Yay, you would be...
I actually ejoyed it... it was a good season and a nice memorial that you wrote. Oh, and sorry about accusing you of "blog drifting"... I can't say much after my procrastination techniques and the fact that it was the holiday season...
You think Tech's win was luck? IDK, but I'm glad they pulled it off none-the-less!
I have to go write a sermon now over the book of Ruth to finish my home work... sigh...
Good luck with that. And I think those two 4 and inches stops in the Tech win did require some luck.
Hey Brian Just so ya know I was not one of those few people and On you're poll I voted for sleeping.
Ahhhh...! What was that? Oh, gross, i just drooled all over the keyboard! Oh no, I have all the impressions of the keys stuck in my face. I am pretty sure the only blog that I drool on my key board more while , ahem, not reading, is the Geek Guild Blog. I wish I could vote about five times for "I'd rather be sleeping..."
The feeling is mutual...
Man, I kind of want to duck, or protect myself. Thems was fighten words!
Nice work. I was surprised not to see more about Vince Young, but not having to read about how great he is didn't bother me. Though I would have to agree. As for everything else I would have to say well done. I am still hanging in there will Dallas, but I really hope they get rid of T.O. Also, I do believe we both had a good suspicion about New England's possible victory. Good call.
I'm sure everybody saw it coming to some extent.
New post!
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