Sunday, October 07, 2007

Weekends in Austin

For the last few weekends I've been milling around trying to think up a post in order to keep this trend going. (In other words, I like being the only one who keeps up on blogging) But, I've either been unable to find a topic of interest or too busy. I've been in Austin a lot in the last month or so and in some instances I've wanted to be back, others not so much.

Weekends in Seguin are interesting. I feel some guilt every time I skedaddle back to Austin, but then of course, when I spend the weekend on the always bustling TLU campus, there's nothing to do, unless of course I want to "throw some down," get plastered, and participate in whatever activities follow; it's always a surprise... I guess I'm just not very good at this college stuff am I?

I've recently noticed how many movies I saw over the summer, probably more than all my previous summers combined. That habit apparently didn't carry over to the school year as I've only graced a theater once, it was well worth it though. You'd think it would be a blockbuster and/or box office hit but no, I'd be surprised if the flick made $1 million. It was a documentary by Ron Howard and only opened in about 5 theaters in Texas, which is why it was required of me to spend the weekend at home in order to actually watch said documentary.

Following Howard's enthusiasm for the US Space Program, In the Shadow of the Moon documents the Apollo moon landings in the words of the few men alive who have set foot on an alien world. Being the history buff and space junkie that I am, I was looking forward to the opening for weeks and got the whole family to join in as we found the only cinema in Austin that will show small independent films. It was all that I had wanted and for 4/5ths of it, the movie was good. It was the last ten minutes that made this documentary great.

Hearing from these former astronauts, many of whom have now become Christians, what they experienced and how they now view the earth and the existence of man itself was something special and it's why I think everyone would enjoy it. If you're able to find the theater, its still showing in Austin and I'd highly recommend it.

After that movie excursion on Saturday afternoon, I "dropped off" my siblings at a dodgeball tournament and was soon roped into playing for the next 2 hours; man was I sore. Sunday afternoon was spent as a family at Olive Garden and I've discovered how much fun we have now. After enduring 17 years of awkward, tension filled family outings, all of a sudden we seem to get along... mostly. All of a sudden I enjoy coming back and spending time with them; who saw that coming? I mean I still crank up Sum 41's "Walking Disaster" as I approach the Austin city limit (that's a good album by the way, anyone else out there into it?) but I can't say that I can identify with all the lyrics, just some of them, and that's a good thing...

Last weeks visit wasn't quite for kicks, I've been needing to see an off-campus play for my Drama class and since Seguin isn't exactly a center for the arts, I was back in Austin once again while still fighting off the remnants of a mild cold. The afternoon preceding the play wasn't too amusing. My father was trying to replace the kitchen faucet while the girls were away and after halfway flooding the house and shutting off the water for 3 hours, which prevented me from taking a much needed shower, Texas laid an egg while playing KSU. Oh and all this on top of my car dieing out on me. Needless to say, I pulled into the obscure theaters parking lot with a bit of leftover frustration.

It was a fast-paced political comedy that pulled a few good chuckles out of me, but overall left me less than pleased as the last 10 minutes degraded into a pro-anarchy tirade. Sigh... I got back to my house at 11 at night and ready for the day to be over. Sunday was better; the perfect weather lured me out of the house for some after-church football. Due to my condition, I wasn't %100, but football is football. The rest of the day I spent trying to spend some time with my now sociable family while still getting my Camry to a shop. Homework kept me up till after midnight and I needed to catch a ride back to campus early Monday morning but at least I left feeling like I'd had some type of fulfilling weekend.

This weekend was homecoming and I had the family (or at least some of them) down for a visit. Next weekend is Fall break (a concept I'm still trying to comprehend but thankful for none the less) so I'll be doing what I can only assume everyone else on campus is doing for the extended weekend, getting on home. Let's hope this doesn't get too routine...

So that's what I'm up to, rap that post up and ship it.

1 comment:

DuckyTKid said...

And when did I call?

What was that bit about an anarchy tirade?

You blogs are very confusing...Good job!