Thursday, May 14, 2009

General Notice

Those who know me closely have probably already heard my summer plans. However, I would like to make my intentions known to all available family members, friends, and acquaintances and try to answer any general questions you may have.

As of Saturday, May 16th, I will be away from Austin for the remainder of the summer working a job selling textbooks to families. I will be leaving for sales school in Nashville, Tennessee for one week and then I will be off along with the rest of my team from Texas State University to our sales region encompassing northern Kentucky, eastern Ohio, and parts of West Virginia. The job involves going door-to-door to families with school-aged children and demonstrating student handbooks and other various homework aids. I'll be working for 12 weeks, Mon-Sat, and probably be pulling 80+ hours per week so free time will usually be minimal.

You may be interested as to why I would possibly be signing up for something like this as I can understand this sounds a bit crazy. In short, though I'm a content Political Science major, I doubt I'll have the stomach for a lifelong career in politics and I've long considered looking more into sales. My Dad sold books while he was in college and although it's a big commitment for me, I'm looking forward to the experience that this job will bring.

Now for those of you who were expecting me around Austin this summer, I am truly sorry that I won't be here much at all. (I'll be driving back only a few days before the fall semester begins) Loosing my entire summer made this decision very difficult, but after thorough consideration, I found that the pros simply outweighed the cons. Given the current job market, my vocational leanings, and the potential commission from this job opportunity, I don't mind forfeiting my time at home. After two years in college, I've become convinced in the fact that following ambition pays off in the end and taking the tougher road has its share of benefits. I'm trying to embrace adversity more and be less hesitant to choose the harder options in life because I know the pay off has the potential to be greater. I would have loved to have found a happy medium between an intensive summer job and enjoying my time off but "no mas." Such is life...

Anyway, the real reason I'm making this announcement is that while I won't be around in person over the next few months, I'd love to keep up as much as possible from a distance. Although my schedule will be intense, I'll have a little time each night for myself as well as a little time on Sunday afternoons and I'd love to spend that keeping up correspondences with you all. I'll be taking my laptop, and although I'm unsure of the internet capabilities of the host family I'll be staying with, I'm planning on making a point to keep up with any emails or Facebook messages I might receive. So feel free to shoot me something; tell me what you're up to, how your summer's going, what I can be praying for. I can't promise you anything, but I assure you I'm making it a priority.

So now that that's out there, you guys have a swell summer. I'll be seeing you...

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