Monday, October 23, 2006

The Perks of Being "Legal"

So its week two in our little blogging escapade and my site continues to take shape. As you can see I've added a counter, wonderful little poll, and as of last night, a streaming media player. I've also tweaked the parameters of the text and formatting. In doing so, I've learned more about html formatting in the last week than in my previous 18 years of existence. Nothing was more enjoyable than spending hours of labor to find out just how easy the beta version of blogger is. This revelation shattered the belief that I know everything there is to know about web-design. Pfffft... Reality is so depressing. Some of you have pointed out that I had too much sports in my first post. To that, I say "thank you Faith, you are so perceptive." I am sports minded, like most other guys. Its going to be on my mind! That's why I put each subject in its own dandy little segment. So when you start drooling on your keyboard, just move on. And that's just what we'll do.

As you might have caught from Jake's announcement, it was my 18th birthday last Sunday, hence the little honor points competition during the service, lesson, talk... (what do you call it anyway?) After church my family took me out to Texas Land and Cattle and threw me probably the last gift opening "session" I'll have at home. By the way, I got two books, a car emblem, mini fridge, and a boat load of candy. (that's what happens when you don't ask for much) However, as my 17th year has come to it's end, I've noticed just how many gifts I've been given and how many perks come with adulthood, purely in terms of legality mind you.

There are lots of little things that show me things are changing. Like having to register to for Selective Services just in case someone decides to inundate the draft soon; I don't think I'll have to worry too much. Then there's voter registration, which I'm probably most excited about, but I'll get to that later. I even got a free new razor and shaving gel from Gillette for my birthday. You know, one of those new fusion blades; those commercials almost make me ashamed to be a man, they're so cheesy. But I must confess, they're telling the truth when they say it has less irritation. Snazzy...

However, as I look back at my... "development" I come to appreciate all the freedoms I've piled up and, all of a sudden, its like "dang, I'm all grown up... kind of." The most obvious example of this would be my 1991 Mercury Grand Marquis and licence to kill. (did I say kill? I meant drive) I'll take this time to highlight my ultra sweet ride. Jake Box has been quoted as saying "The thing's a tank!" I couldn't agree more. The thing's got an engine too, and its not shy about letting you know either. And, if you don't mind me saying, you can fit like 5 bodies in the trunk. That's like 20 Jr. highers so you guys better watch it. Now that I'm 18 and have sheded my permitual boundaries, I can literally go where I want, with who I want, whenever I want. Thusly, I have dedicated this weeks page audio to the bliss of driving with Rascal Flatts greatest song ever, but you already knew that. Never mind that it has no air conditioning or cup holders. Its pretty much the greatest vehicle in the history of mankind.

And the best part is that I didn't pay a dime for it, with the exception of my first fill-up, which was a nightmare. But that's another story; it sure would have been good for that story competition. Anyway, yes, my parents own the car and let me drive it. For all the talk they gave me as a child that I was going to have to pay for a car, college and life in general, they're really dishing it out for me. And its not just the car, This year they have graciously given me a cell phone, and incredibly sweet laptop. The amount of freedom and independence I have acquired recently has snuck up on me. I can only assume that, for one, my parents are very gracious and trust me, and that I must have earned it someway along my life. All that pointless work and responsibility payed off after all. I'm nothing but perfect, but guess I've done pretty well. As my two younger siblings argued at Texas Land and Cattle, my mother wished out loud that they would act more like me and Lydia. So... what can you take from my little rant? I guess you younger folk can understand that working hard, getting good grades, obeying your parents, and developing and upholding your convictions has its benefits. You may not see it right away, or even for a while, but as we learned in Jake's series on authority a few months back, embracing your authorities instead of rebelling against them increases your freedom. (and its freaking awesome to drive too!)
A Few Things I Think I Think-

>I think Jake should relinquish his two honor points, or retry the challenge with much more effort. I GAVE two of my newly acquired honor points to Jake for singing the lovely intro to the skit last Sunday and I'm sure you'd agree with me that his performance was lackluster. We all know you can't sing, but you can't take advantage of my lack of experience in the game. I'm waiting...

>I think Apple should make their own video game console and cell phone service. Based on their prior performance, they'll probably make great products. And besides, they'll automatically make a killing on anything with "i" in the name. Then they come out with a new version every month.

>I think I haven't spent enough time thinking on what to put in my things I think I think segment.

Sports Center-

When I first looked at the cover of the latest SI sporting, what they claimed were the three "next gen" players, I couldn't believe they would put Carmelo Anthony in the center and Dwayne Wade and Lebron James on the outside. Then I realised it was based on geographic location and the Carmelo cover was for the entire western half of the country. It couldn't tick me off more because I don't think Anthony is at the same level as James or Wade in the slightest. Ever since those three were drafted, I thought they were over-hyped by the press, but as their carers have progressed, James and Wade have shown just how much of a force they can be. Anthony has not. Maybe its because I've mostly seen him playing the Spurs and he is shut down by Bruce Bowen, but the guy's just mediocre. He has his spurts of greatness, but when the Nuggets need a lift, it seems like the supporting cast steps up and "Melo" is well, melo. I'd pick Wade or James over Anthony in a heartbeat. All of them have talent, but Wade and James take over games and are the true leaders of their team.
With the NBA season just around the corner I'll make some quick predictions and then move on because no one cares till February.

Under the radar teams:

East-Bulls, Bobcats. Both are climbing the ladder and adding talent

West-Clippers, Jazz. Although I hate them, they are getting good

So Overrated Teams:

East-Nets, Pistons. Look for these teams to slide

West-Rockets, Grizzlies. They already suck and they aren't getting any better

There are so many things that scare me to death about the Horn's performance last week against Nebraska. Kicker consistency, the lack of the run game and that darn secondary are causing me to question how good this team is. However, Colt McCoy has continued to step up and lead the team when the running game and defence fall short and the defence still comes through when they have to. Now that I've got that out of the way, that was a classic game last week. I think this rivalry will start to heat up as the children of the corn continue to improve. As Texas heads to lovely Lubbock to play a very underachieving Texas Tech, I really want to see them dominate with the run and keep the ball out of Tech's hands. The Baylor game showed how a Tech style offence can expose the Texas secondary, but this is not the same Tech team that we have seen in years past. The Horns role in this one. Texas 42 Texas Tech 20

As the 7-1 Aggies start finally play pretty good teams, this "not play very well but still eek out a win at the end by taking out their QB and blocking a kick in overtime" strategy isn't going to work. The Aggies will be playing on the road against a clone of Tech with a better defence. Texas A&M 27 Baylor 36

I don't know what to think about the Cowboys anymore and frankly, I really don't want to try to analyze them. Each week there's a new problem or scapegoat. The defence, the offensive line, TO, Drew Bledsoe, Bill Parcels. I have no idea where they are going to go now. I wouldn't be surprised if they go 3-0 or 0-3 in the next few weeks. This team is so hard to dissect: I'm sick of it. That doesn't matter in the end though, the soap opera roles on. Dallas 13 Carolina 30

My pickoff record (3-3) I didn't make any risky picks last week, which was great for college and horrible for pro football. For some reason every ranked team came close to loosing in college but didn't, and this was upset week for every pro game. I've added a few more picks this week, including the Seahawks just for Sean.

My picks for this week:

Houston 17 Tennesee 19-Vince gets even.

Seattle 27 Kansas City 20-KC Baby! They seriously need some D.

Indy 35 Denver 27-This is such a great rivalry cause the Colts always win.

Tampa Bay 17 New York 24-Giants are looking good, who isn't against the Boys?

Florida 31 Georgia 15-I've never liked that ketchup-red color.

Oklahoma 21 Missouri 20-Two teams on a downward slide.

Georgia Tech 24 Miami 27-Miami should pay, but they won't.

Office Update-

Aww, isn't that cute, Jim and Pam are talking again. That relationship is going nowhere for this entire season. However, the show is still great as Dwight and Micheal continue to... well, do what they do. I love Pretzel Day!

Politics As Usual-

After the resent scandal/cover-up concerning Sen. Foley and his relationships with former pages, there has been a call from some highly respected conservative leaders to abstain from voting for Republicans in this election in order to send the message that there current behavior is unacceptable. The media has aided this campaign and there is now a debate within republican voters on whether to participate this time around. Their anger is not related to the Foley "scandal" as much as it is for the continued government spending and lack of action in terms of immigration. I have been engaged in politics since I was 14 and couldn't wait till I was 18 and I could finally participate in the system. The call to not vote Republican this year really ticks me off. In my first opportunity to vote your telling me to wait another 2 years before I give my input? I don't agree with every policy they have, but the Republicans have a direction and "teaching them a lesson" in my opinion, jeopardizes the country. In other words I can't wait to vote Republican in November. (Bye the way, does anyone care?)

Video of the Week-"Football in the Office"


faith said...

Brian -
That was a very nice post. I just skipped the sports section, and I enjoyed all the rest. I'm not gonna lie to you, your blog is the best ever because of Life is a Highway! And I am so sorry I wasn't there on sunday to wish you happy birthday. I hope you had one anyways...haha, just kidding. Congradulations, captain.
- Faith

box, I pretty much don't think yo get to make fun af me and jake anymore for long posts...

Brian said...

Yes, but this is a long blog on many different topics. (Look at me backtracking)

Anonymous said...

BRIAN! you know that little incedent in the car was not my fault! I was just talking about the awesome Movie preview that the Box man showed us. then Alicia asked me, no Screamed at me WHAT!?! I smiled and she kicked me and becouse of her not wanting to apologise I was stuck in the car for another 35 minuets!

Jake said...

Brian, if you ever want to stage a junior higher kidnapping, I'm down. Just tell me when and where and I will be there with lots of duc tape.

Brian said...

I never thought of going on the offensive. I like it, keeps them subdued.

Matt L. said...

Jake, Brian... count me in.

Jonathan said...

Can I help kidnap myself?

Brian said...

Yah, as long as you don't tell Josh. We'll put a severed dear head in the trunk with him.

Jonathan said...

Oh my... who's head?

Krista said...

Brian- A&M losing to Baylor? Come on. If you are going to have a sports section then you have to make some good picks. Miami winning? Texas rolling over Tech? Baylor over A&M? Dallas losing to Carolina? Come on. One more post with those kind of sorry predictions and I will begin petitioning for the removal of your sports section.

On another note...that car is a tank man!

Brian said...

I'm sure it's easy to criticize when you don't make any picks of your own. Your petition is involuntarily subtracted.

Jonathan said...

I vote you take Josh's head... or even Colin's adam's apple.. it has a brain of it's own...

Brian said...

There's Colin!

Jonathan said...

Oh...hi Colin... when I said YOUR adam's apple I meant... ummm...

Jonathan said...

But I thought you followed PUDINNG and WAFFLES...

Brian said...

Someone needs some pudding to the face.

Jonathan said...

And almost most important... WAFFLES!!