Now for the main event. Last Saturday, my family treated me to some sweet tickets to the Texas game for my fast approaching birthday. (Anybody care to take a guess at the date?) They were lucky enough to acquire some of the sweetest tickets ever. I'm talking 40 yard line, 9 rows up. That's like "I throw a bunch of money at the Longhorn foundation" kind of sweet. These things only show up only about once in a lifetime, so I was determined to make it extra-special. Luck continued to shine as low and behold, our neighbor dumped 5 more tickets in our lap and we were able to invite my cousins down for the game. That would be the same cousin that has been leaving comments and making fun of my blog. (He better cut out, cause his is atrocious) Everything was going great, me and Lydia got to our seats just as the Texas band made its entrance. So I figured I'd snap a few pics for evidence of just how great our seats were. I got two off before the battery died, none with us in the shot or of the game itself. Devastation. And of course, it didn't help that we were down 10-0 at the end of the first quarter.

One of the two pictures I got off before the battery died
But, the Horns finally got on track and started scoring like they were playing... well... Baylor. One thing I couldn't get over was the fact the I was the only one in the entire section standing for the duration of the game. My family from across the stadium could pick me out in seconds cause I was the only one standing and cheering. Oh well, I guess having so much money in their pockets forced them to sit, lest they seriously injure their spines. I guess they didn't want their money to get wet either, cause once it started sprinkling, they headed for the exits. With all the spare seats, we were able to sneak everyone over from their endzone seats (where everyone had been standing) and I got to hang out with everyone. I still wanted at least one picture of us at the game, so we kept trying to turn on the camera while taking a picture at the same time. As you can see, it worked once and we were out of frame, but hey, it was still a great Birthday present and did I mention they were great seats.

The one powerless picture we got off of me and my cousin Matt. (what is my dad eating by the way?)
A Few Things I Think I Think-random musings through the week, straight from me, which could easily be completely contradicted the next week, and probably will be.
>I think the current rules in College Football are stupid. I don't understand how when a fumble is caused and the offence is the last to touch the ball before it goes out of the back of the endzone the defence gets the ball on the 20. The offence should get it where the fumble occurred. Even if the defence gets the ball, they should get it on the where the ball came out, not on the 20 yard line. Why is the sideline so different when its in the endzone?
>I think its rather contradictory for Sam and Steph to use a blog to argue the fact that "blogs are wack." I always just said they were stupid when people asked me to start one. If you want to bash blogs, use another method please.
>I think its foolish to claim that if Texas were to play Ohio State now they could beat them. We could have beaten them when we played them in September! If Billy Pittman wouldn't reach for the goaline like an idiot. We were beat fare and square, by a very good football team, probably best in the nation. If we were to play them next week, I still think they would beat us, just not by 17.
>I think that Drew Bledsoe is a bad quarterback. (allow me to jump on the bandwagon) When Parcels first signed the "nasal mucus machine" (if you don't get it, you don't get it) I wasn't to confident that we had found our man. He'll only be around for another 2-3 years so he's not going to solve the QB problem in the long term. He's got good players around him, but he just can't get the job done when he's needed. So, due to my pessimism on the rest of this year, its time to look for next year's big QB acquisition. And yes, that means Tony Romo should not be starting. Its time to look for a long time solution, so no looking at quickly aging Brett Farve or Kerry Collins. There are budding stars in the free agency like Atlanta's Matt Schaub, or the Jag's backup David Garrard. Or how bought a high draft pick like OSU's Troy Smith, Iowa's Drew Tate, or even Florida's Chris Leak? What to y'all think? (Specifically Jake and Sean because everyone else has long since fallen asleep)
Since I seem to be so sports oriented today, let's move on to Sports Center-time for me to analyze lasts weeks games and make some picks and predictions for the fallowing week.
Texas Quarterback Colt McCoy had a career day last Sat. even though he was less than spectacular. (his recievers did most of the work) The D also forced 5 turnovers, 2 of which were taken back for scores, but they gave up 350 offencive yards and 31 points. This could be a worry as the Horns head in to Lincoln to play the 17th ranked Nebraska Cornhuskers. With one of the toughest schedules heading into this game the Huskers have played well and will give Texas and McCoy their first big test on the road. (sorry Rice, you don't count) Many considered Nebraska to be a trap game for Texas and will call this game closely. However, I think the sometimes suspect Texas D can step up and shut down offences when needed (OU 2nd half) and as long as they establish the run, that offence can score in so many ways. Watch for the Horns to pull away in the 4th quarter. Texas 31 Nebraska 17
When we left Fuddruckers Sun afternoon, Dallas was up 10-6 over the Houston and I thought the Texans could pull the big upset. But after a long sidetrack at the cingular store, I got home and discovered that the final was 34-6 Boys. What happened to that spectacular Texans D led by Super Mario the defensive MVP? The Boys host the Giants, a game which they should win. But I wouldn't bet money, the Cowboys are experts at finding a way to loose. Dallas 20 New York 17
More Picks for this Week:
Houston 16 Jacksonville 31-Super Mario does it again!
Texas A&M 30 Oklahoma St. 24-Every game is a trap game with coach Fran.
Michigan 34 Iowa 24-The Wolverines are overrated, but so is Iowa.
Carolina 35 Cincinnati 24-Panthers are getting things going finally.
All right, I really need to get to some homework. I know everyone is going to complain that everything was sports and y'all would be correct. So here are some lovely little segments you can be looking for in future posts:
Office Update-In case you haven't noticed, this is the best show on TV currently. (for more mature audiences) Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3PJnhGn6-Q to catch up on this seasons episodes while I comment on this delightful program.
Politics As Usual-If anyone cares, my thoughts on the latest political banter.
In the News-What I think about recent news big, or small.
Video of the Week-A segment I think y'all will really enjoy. Some of my favorite vids from YouTube. This Week: Weird Al's "White and Nerdy" (Just for you, James and Josh)
That's It! I'm Done! Good bye loyal following.
Good to hear, I told you I wouldn't disappoint.
Colin you have no idea what you are talking about. On my blog right now is one of the funniest stories ever only to be outdone by Lindsey your replies on my blog an even funnier story. Two great stories, can you really think Brian is going to overtake me? Having said that I did enjoy brian's blog. I liked that he picked A&M over OSU this weekend and the Cowboys over the Giants. Did you see that game last night? It was unbelievable. The Bears D is amazing. Anyway, I think Romo will be our guy next year like it or not. Parcels likes him and that is all that matters. I say if we do lose to the Giants we put him in now. I can't stand Bledsoe.
Hey Box, I'll let you know how to get a picture if you tell me how to freakin' get the stupid counter on by blog! errrgg!
I know how!! I would also like to ask you to put me as a link. Thanks!
Cool, Iliked it!
I know you were going to talk about the Mercury next but what if your Birthday is such a blast that it becomes your next subject?
Anyway, it was a little too sportsy for me but I liked the Video.
It was to sporty for me.The movie wasent very good but it was ok.I hope your birthday is fun Im still trying to get your big present.
Way to make a big deal about it...! Family!
wow, that was an interesting post... you're off to a good start... you're gonna need once I get the ball rolling over here. I was happy though to see my lovely photo face show up in the post... It didn't even get my entire Hook 'em HORNS hand - oh well... wait if you don't like ppl to diss blogs in their blog posts, then why is your title "I Hate Blogs by Brian"? How iron is that!!!???!!!?
my post is coming soon... topics: TEXAS (duh!), Vista, Xbox 360, HP, and w/e else I'm feeling at the time... you're looking forward to it? ah, I thought you would be... cheers!
Oh, don't listen to Box... never try striking a deal w/ him. I'll get ya hooked up w/ the counter... we also need to discuss friday and saturday. Yahoo call me some time ;-)
You need to learn to spell "ironic." Other than that, it'll be good to see your blog up and going. Ohh and I wouldn't worry about the Box deal. I figured it out myself. Isn't my poll total sweetness?
isn't ironic that I spell iron when talking about conspiracies?
Yes, I'm so proud of my poll. lol, I am fat_american am I not?
I just wanted to say that I am not a part of your loyal following. I just read your blog. I'm not going to buy your t-shirts, or your sweaters...
brian, your a flippen freak about football. you have issues. read a book or something....I quit reading it less than halfway through it was so obsessivly football infested! But hey, I guess you and lindsey cam have a party together...uh, yeah. OK, that is all I have to say but I am proud of you nonetheless for blogging!
Freakin calm down Faith! I believed I apologized for my little sports rant. Your going to have to expect this kind of thing from guys. Its not going to stop anytime soon.
UNBELIEVABLE!!! I'm so mad. Since I NEVER talk about sports on my own blog, yet I very much love them, I was taking full advantage of the comments here, THEN MY BROWSWER CRASHED. I lost everything and it was too much to retype. I was vamping on how Bledsomuch royally stinks. I made mention that I love football and as a former quarterback myself I know potential when I see it and Rom(e)o has a good chance to be a 2-3 year solution who proves to be better than we would have thought. Mostly cause he's got accuracy and he's got the brain for it. He won't be great, but even "alright" is great given the supporting cast on each end of the line of scrimmage. There was so much more, but it's all in vain now.
I'm really in the mood to play now. Next football game you guys play I'll be there. We need to find a grass field tho. I aint throwin any passes tho, I just want to smoke every one of you young punks at the receiver position. Box, just have me go long every time and if you got the arm I'll catch it! OOOOO, smack talk baby yeah!
Well Brian, aside from sports stuff...YEAH, The Office is one of the best shows on TV. I just downloaded all of season 1 & 2 to catch up on a couple of the episodes that I never saw.
Can't wait for your help come Wed. Jas. It's nice to have another sports fan on here. Smack down on Wed!
When is the next chill night (aka football game)???
if you guys are already smoking the jr highers i might have to join them. i don't want your heads getting too big. of course, thats making an assumption that i'd help them out. i guess i'm the one in need of a head shrink!
We play every week, and we might need you. I might not make it.
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