It’s times like these when I just feel like a horrible human being, but then I read it once more and laugh my devious little rear end off. This was a product of being fed up with this endless horse obsession and a little photo-shop fun. Just so you know, I'm just getting started. You're next Box.
That's so very funny, I almost don't get it.
But hell, any way we can stick it to PeTA is good by me.
It’s really not PETA; it’s more of those Horse Racing freaks that are making hour long documentaries in remembrance of "America's Horse." It’s all a stupid marketing ploy. I'm sure PETA hates horse racing because its "demeaning to horses."
Well as long as someone is offended.
So what are your plans with Box? I've got remote access to his computer, should we give him a nice new background?
That would be great. I think I told you about the dill pickle jar idea. I just can't find a high enough quality picture of Jake's head. Can you help me there?
anonymous said hell.
Are you offended or do you just like stating the obvious?
What is wrong with Hell?
some horses actually love racing
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