As proof that my threats aren't invalid, I've just finished up my second photoshop project with a little help from Franklin and Colin. Every great organization needs custom t-shirts and desktop wallpapers. I ain't making no t-shirts, but wallpapers I can do and who better to esteem than our lovable youth pastor. (You can start ordering the t-shirts Box) I see this as only the beginning so all you creative people out there start thinking up more ideas. But enough about that, I now give you the first series of Two14 wallpapers. Check out Colin's page for all the appropriate screen sizes.

That's teh awesome
Copyright infringement I think...
Shhh, that's why they are only wallpapers.
Did you put it on Box's comp?? you are all such awesome geeks!
That's Colin's job, but I'll see what I can do. And please, I am a lesser geek in respect to the all powerful Colin. All shall tremble in his geeky presence; except for say, Jesus. I wonder if Jesus has some mad hacking skills?
Seeing that hacking is illeagal and a sin I would venture a guess that he did not.
What? that you're late?
New wallpaper up on the site and it rocks!
Two14 Wallpaper
To quote Frued "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
Sometimes a dill is just a dill. This does not appear to be one of those times.
Great work. You should make Ts.
BEAUTIFUL work my friend! But jonathan's right... hehe
Oh, and guess what... I'm still ALIVE!!!
I am back to haunt you with my presence once again Brian! Take a look at my new post please!
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