In case you haven't noticed, my site is busting at the seems with delightful little goodies for you to toy with. Just don't get lost and play responsibly. Its just like drugs right? I mean what's the harm? Really? (Ohh great, now I'm comparing my site to drugs. Someone please dig me out of this hole. And while your at that, please help my brother, he's crying out for attention and its not his blog either)
Tonight (since I'm writing this at 1 in the morning for some reason that I'll think up latter) I will come to you with probably the greatest problem in the history of man's existence. I have more money than I know what to do with. Please don't line up helping me resolve this quandary; this is a burden I must carry myself. I had been saving up for the last year for a much needed new and snazzy laptop, entirely due to the fact that the device I owned at that time genuinely belonged in a museum. Can you believe it was upgraded to windows 98? (Jee-whizzers Batman that's ancient!)
But as this school year kicked off "mis podres" bought me the slickest laptop west of Jake Box's swimsuit. (Don't ask me where that came from, I have no idea) Needless to say, I was suddenly stuck with predicament of abundant cash in the upwards of about $400. So I bring this problem and it's possible solutions to you and humbly ask your opinion. (Now I know that everyone will suggest that I just distribute my cabbage to all you needy people, but the only way that's happening is if you have a worthy charity you'd graciously give it to. So get inventive with those obscure charity names!)
Option #1: Video Ipod $250
Up until the last few months, the Ipod has been the essence of the latest pointless whims of our generation, but I have been swayed. I think the Ipod (or mp3 in general, Ipods are just superior) have become less of a fashion trend and more of a generally cool appliance. Besides, I'm sick of lugging around a CD case everywhere and what could be better than a portable video player?
Option #2: Car CD Player $100+installation
One thing about my beloved Mercury (besides the fact that it has no air conditioning) is that it only has a stupid cassette tape deck and unless I want to go completely retro, I can't rock to by tunes. Grrrr... Whats worse is that any use of an adapter produces mostly irritable static. The solution is one of the many sleek new car stereos at Best Buy. The downside is the need for installation and no knowledge of how long the Mercury will be in my possession.
Option #3: Office Chair $75-150
I spend most of my time in my room, diligently working away at my computer and I feel I need more than a moldy rejected dinner table chair to place my posterior. Leather? Plastic? Duct Tape? I don't care; as long as its soft, comfy and can somehow accommodate my 6'4" frame. (I think Roger will agree with me that movie theaters and airplanes are nightmares for us vertical abnormalities)
Option #4: Call of Duty 2 for PC $30
COD 3 for 360 and PS3 looks absolutely amazing,(check it out yourself
http://www.callofduty.com/) but it unfortunately doesn't come out for PC. So I must resort to the second edition of my favorite computer game franchise ever. I love how cheap things get when their successors are already out. By the way, does anyone play the original Call of Duty online? I'm on a lot and I sometimes get lonely.
Option #5: PS3 $600
This really isn't an option since, for one, I don't have the cash, and I also have made a point of never buying a console right when it comes out. So this option is really more of a "keep saving up and get this lovely system in the near future" option. I won't hop on the debate wagon and be just another whiny voice in a crowd of nerds at heart. I'll leave that up to someone else. All I know is that this system looks like its worth the price and then some. (But it is like Sony to nickle and dime you everywhere else)
So there it is. What do you think? You have like three ways to let me know so get cracking.
A Few Things I Think I Think->I think I'll go ahead and go off on a "foods I don't understand" tirade. I've already gone off on the stupidity of salads so allow me to just let loose. Those Marie Calendar pies aren't that good! (He hath broken the 11th commandment "Thou shalt salivate in the presence of thine holy pies") Sorry Sean, but they aren't that good. The only one I would want to eat is their Key Lime, but I can still get a better one at Sam's. I also can't stand the fact that Turkey is the official meat of the holidays. Its just so... blah! What I'd give for a good Thanksgiving Brisket, or a Christmas Steak. Now I know that the Pilgrims didn't have beef back in their day, but they would have if they could have! Okay, I'm sick of this tirade.
>I think we need to make the official Jake Box Dictionary for all of the Box-isms we know and love. I've got 4 good entries and wood love for y'all to add to it. Think we could get a website going Jason?
Nekid"-being without clothing or covering. English word-"Naked"
Wells"-large marine mammals. English word-"Whales"
Jest"-exactly or precisely. English word-"Just"
Tail"-to announce or proclaim. English word-"Tell"
Sports Center-I have now discovered that when I disagree with Ruben Sosa on an upcoming game's outcome, he will always be right. I quite comfortably picked the Colts to slap the Cowboys silly last Sunday and Ruben assured me that the Boys would pull off a big win. What do you know; this is like the third time he's done this to me. Ruben, your undying faith in your team amazes me.
Dallas has a little run going and I'm not very surprised. They, along with the Jaguars are the most unpredictable team in the league. Still doesn't mean I have to like them. (can't you just smell the animosity?)
Dallas 27 Tampa Bay 17
There are a few teams that I do like this year and none more than... "da Bears." Their offence is horrible, but that defence is unbelievable. I like this team, I like them a lot. Another team would be the San Diego Chargers, who have come out of nowhere and look like they have all the cylinders firing. And what about those late risers, the Dolphins and 49's? Too late for a playoff run? I don't know; I think my pickoff record shows that.
I'll get to the Lone Star Showdown real quick and its no surprise that I'll pick the Horns over those lovable Aggies. I have officially given up on that Texas Secondary, but luckily for us, the A&M playbook comes right out of the 1960's. They'll stay in the game with some trick plays, but Colt leads his team to victory and on to Kansas City.
Texas 31 Texas A&M 22My pickoff record (17-19) This is getting ridiculous, Sean your Hawks are killing me! I'm gonna start picking those completely obscure games cause I get those right.
Houston 17 New York 24-Proof once again that the Texans have no defence.
Chicago 13 New England 6-One boring game here.
Philadelphia 14 Indy 38-Go back to your precious RCA Dome Indy and stop making me look like an idiot.
Green Bay 17 Seattle 16-This is what happens when you kill my picks Seattle.
LSU 21 Arkansas 16-I love a team with a head coach named Nutt
Florida 24 Florida State 27-There's no justification for this, I just want to see a shakeup
Oklahoma 20 Oklahoma St. 34-Bedlam in OK, fun, fun, fun...
Notre Dame 31 USC 35-That's a quandary, I loathe them both.
Video of the Week-Real Men of Genius: Really Bad Toupee WearerHave a great Thanksgiving with Friends and Family; I know I will. Ohh and before you go, let me give y'all a one question Thanksgiving quiz since I'm such a big trivia guy. The first to give me the answer to this question gets a high five the next time I see them. (Isn't that a great prize?) Please don't Wikipedia this, I'd like it to be straight from your head or a complete guess. There's no way to enforce this so I must rely on the honor system. Good luck.
Which President officially instated Thanksgiving as a holiday?Later guys